Past Events
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Past openings, group photos and old building photos from the last 4 McRae locations since no particular order!

You’re invited to McRae Art Studios – home to some of Central Florida’s most celebrated artists – for our annual Spring Open House and Art Show!
Come see the latest artwork from all 22 Member Artists and meet the newest addition to our collective. Touring our working studios is a great way to view and shop for original art and soak up some of the creative atmosphere that makes McRae such a special part of the local arts community.
Sometimes you can take a good thing and make it even better. That is exactly what is happening with a unique collaboration between McRae Art Studios and local high school art teachers, Friday, March 7, 2025.
Now in its second year, teachers from Edgewater and Evans High Schools, are collaborating with the artists of McRae Art Studios in a year-long program that is designed to inspire students in both two dimensional and three-dimensional art classes which includes a visit to the studios of 22 working artists, observing hands-on demonstrations and talking with the artists.
This year, the program has an added component: a panel on creativity. Artists will share their thoughts and experience on how they find inspiration, how they manage when the muses seem to disappear, how they interact and develop themes, share ideas on how to dig in and fly with your instincts, and developing a series once you find that sparkle. Following, is an open question and answer opportunity. Panelists include John Whipple, Lynn Whipple, Mimi Hwang, Marlene London and Stephen Bach.
The program culminates with a student art show in the main gallery of McRae on Friday, April 4, 2025. The theme for the show, “Love,” was determined by the students.
This year’s student art show is being sponsored by Sam Flax.
Click on images to enlarge
Past openings, group photos and old building photos from the last 4 McRae locations since no particular order!